
Name: Bruenor Battlehammer
Race: Dwarf
Height: 4' 5" 
Weight: 65 n 
Profession: Fighter
Level: 6
Experience: 71834
Age: 59 (Birthday: 28.9.)

	Stat   Temp.    Pot.    Normal  Special Race   Total
	CO      87       90        9      15     15      39
	AG      92       93       12            - 5       7 
	SD      81       81        7              0      12
	RE      59       59        0              0       0
	ME      64       64        2              0       2
	ST     100      100       25      15      5      45
	QU      92       92       12      35    - 5      42 
	PR      57       57        0            -10     -10
	EM      58       79        1            -10     - 9
	IN      81       82        7              0       7
	AP      18

Hit Points: 155
Power Points: -
Active Adder: -

Eyes: Black
Skin: Fair
Hair: Red
Armour Type: 14

OB's: War Hammer          +155      DB: 77/72
      War Mattock         +123
      War Hammer (thrown) +105
      Dagger              + 55
      Spear               + 55


		SKILL		          BONUS
		Ambush                      46 
		Appraisal                   41 
		Armor Evaluation            61 
		Athletic Games              48 
		Body Damage Stabilization   40
		Body Development            ??
		Climbing                    39 
		Cookery                      9 
		Disarm Trap                 22 
		Distance Running            66 
		Driving                     30 
		Drug Tolerance              36 
		First Aid                   30 
		Fletching                   14 
		Foraging                    33 
		General Perception          53 
		Herb Lore                    6 
		Hide Item                    9  
		Interrogation               14
		Jumping                     49 
		MA I Strikes                70 
		MA II Strikes               65 
		MA III Strikes              65 
		MA IV Strikes               65
		Maneuver in Chain Armor    109 
		Maneuver in Plate Armor     78
		Maneuver in Rigid Leather   25    
		Metal Evaluation            35  
		Metal Lore                  31 
		Pick Locks                  20 
		Poison Lore                 31 
		Read Tracks                 35 
		Riding                      27 
		Sense Ambush                40 
		Set Traps                   14 
		Smithing (Weapon)           62 
		Sprinting                   74 
		Stalk & Hide                44
		Stone Lore                   6 
		Stunned Maneuver            55 
		Tactics (small units)       20 
		Tracking                    40 
		Trickery                    12 
		Weapon Evaluation           61 




+15 (Low Steel & +10 Quality) AT 14
Weapon Belt
Winter Clothes
Money Mass
+5 Magical War Mattock
+5 Magical Heavy Crossbow
+5 Magical Target Shield
+5 Magical Full Shield
Magical Dagger, x2 Concussion Hits
+10 Low Steel (Quality +5) Normal Shield
Visored Helm
Quarrel & 19 x +5 silvered Bolts
Heavy Bedroll
Flint & Steel
Rope (superior)
4 x Water Flask
Trail Rations for 24 days
Holy Symbol (Cross)
Spare Head to War Mattock
+25 Magical High Steel, Orc-Slaying Warhammer (also detects Orcs in R of 100')

Mule & Saddle & Saddlebags

Money: (In Different Places)

GP: 107
SP: 88
BP: 42

Critical Hits to Brunenor:
  • Cold: E, C
  • Crush: E, D, D, D, B, A
  • Grapple: B, C
  • Heat: B, A
  • Puncture: B, A
  • Slash: B, B, A, B
  • Tiny: A, C, A
  • Unbalancing: B